Saturday, September 26, 2015

ColorComm (C2) Splashes into San Francisco - Women of Color in Communications Are Thrilled!

On Tuesday, September 22nd more than 40 women of color in communications gathered at the Press Club in San Francisco, thrilled about ColorComm's interest in starting a San Francisco/Bay Area chapter.  After the excitement of attending the 2nd Annual ColorComm Conference in Miami, FL in August, many of us could not wait to share our enthusiasm about having a local chapter in the Bay Area.  Well, ColorComm's Founder, Lauren Wesley Wilson, did not waste time traveling our way to see just how committed we are to making this chapter a reality.  Things are looking up and we hope to soon announce the start of a much needed organization in the Bay Area that is committed to solely elevating and celebrating the many women of color in the communications industry as well as promoting for more to join the party.

C2 (short for ColorComm Conference) is the ultimate business conference and retreat for women of color in communications. Unlike many conferences with thousands in attendance, C2 is an intimate group of approximately 300 multicultural, professional women. With innovative programs and topics presented by the industry’s top practitioners and thought leaders, this conference provides a safe place to address relevant issues from like-minded women.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2nd Annual Black Eyed Pea Festival | September 12th | Oakland, CA

The 2nd Annual Black Eyed-Pea Festival is one of most celebrated African-American heritage festivals in Oakland and very much anticipated by the entire community.  On Saturday, September 12, 2015 at Mosswood Park, 3612 Webster Street, Oakland, CA, from 11 am - 6 pm, hundreds will gather to enjoy food, music, arts, spoken word and more, all by some of the most talented in the Bay Area.  If eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day is supposed to bring good luck, then Oakland will be having a tremendous lucky day on September 12, 2015.

Festival attendees will get a taste of tradition, and not just with black-eyed peas in various forms, from Hoppin’ John to salsa, but also in the form of traditional music and art.
Why a Black-Eyed Pea Festival?  "The black-eyed pea is a metaphor for what is resilient, creative, and collaborative about African-American culture," says Wanda Ravernell, Founder of the Omnira Institute in Oakland, California.  Omnira's mission is to highlight and preserve the cultural and spiritual traditions of African Americans and demonstrate how these traditions are connected to Africa and the African Diaspora.

It is common knowledge that black-eyed peas have been a staple New Year's Day dish for generations of African-Americans. But to Festival organizers, it's important to know that the first domestication of the black-eyed pea was in West Africa and that George Washington Carver (African-American biologist and inventor) promoted the planting of black-eyed peas because the crop enriched the soil and had high nutritional value.  This festival is unique because it focuses on the specific relationship between black-eyed peas and African-American culture and history.

Come out and enjoy performances by MJ's Brass Boppers (Lousiana), Valerie Troutt's Moon Candy, Awon Ohun Omnira (Voices of Freedom), Teatro Brasileira Danca, Dance-A-Vision, Bay Area Youth Arts, and WolfHawkJaguar (Wellness).  Other highlights include Artist in Resident - Malik Seneferu (live painting) | Children's craft-making | Storytelling with Paula Parker, Linda Wright and Kirk Waller | Spoken Word presentations by local poets | Local and regional artists and artisans | Representatives from diverse health organizations serving residents in Oakland.

The Second Annual Oakland Black-Eyed Pea Festival is sponsored in part by Akonadi Foundation, the FAITHS Program at the San Francisco Foundation, the California Arts Council, and generous donations.

The 2nd annual Black Eyed-Pea Festival takes place on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at Mosswood Park, 3612 Webster Street, Oakland, CA, from 11 am - 6 pm.  For publicity/media relations contact Glass House Communications at  For more information about the festival, sponsorship and vending opportunities  see